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I know it's March but I planned to write this back in January and am just now getting around to it. Here are six items I bought (or were donated by parents from my wishlist) for my classroom in 2022 that I LOVE. I'll share more about each below!

Magnetic Shelves
I love using these shelves on my whiteboard in my classroom! I use them to hold the story time books we're reading in my Child Development class that week but they can be used for all sort of things!

Adjustable Stool
I'm not a teacher who sits a lot but there are sometimes where I want to/need to sit for a moment. I use this stool to sit on when I take roll at the beginning of class, when I read the Story Time book to my Child Development class, or sometimes while a video clip is playing. I like it because it's at the front of the room (to the side of my desk) so I never sit behind my desk during class. It's height is adjustable and it swivels! I love that it has the foot rest and I love that the seat is cushioned so it's comfy! It looks nice too!

Electric Stapler
If you staple lots of packets and things together for your students like I do... this is a GAME CHANGER. It goes way faster! And has yet to get jammed! Super easy to add more staples! I love it!

Bluetooth Label Maker
I had a label maker but it was pretty old school and I love that this one connects to an app on my phone via bluetooth. It makes it so easy to create labels and has WAY more options too! There's even templates to make it quicker. It's rechargeable! Plus it's cute and small! Also comes in Black, purple, White, and Green!

Gold Paper Organizers
I got 10 of these pretty organizers to use to organize my copies! I try to plan out 2 weeks ahead so that's why I have 10. I used to use different white drawers that didn't look as pretty and I like these much more!

Carpet Marker Strips
I love having tables SO much more than desks but the one down side is they move so easily and I can't stand when they're out of line! They're nice cause I can easily move them around for the activity we may be doing in class, but then it's a struggle to get students to return them where they go. So I started using these strips! I cut them into squares and put one on the carpet under where each desk leg is supposed to go. This makes it easy to tell students to put their tables back in place!
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